Monday 30 January 2012

Day 1

Feels like any other day on which I happened to go to hot yoga, except there are 29 more to follow! I went to a Yin class tonight after work, which is a little less intense than the usual moksha classes. It's all passive stretching poses. Still challenging, but slightly less sweaty. It still felt good to put my first sticker on the big chart next to my name!

Sunday 29 January 2012

The challenge starts tomorrow!

I must say, I've been awfully lazy this week. You'd think I would have gone to a few yoga classes, or worked out a little bit to get into the groove for this challenge, but I haven't. ugh. I'm really hoping the commitment to this challenge sticks. I need to be more active! I did, however stop drinking coffee. I didn't have any Thursday, or Friday, or Saturday, or today (yet). And I've had headaches each coffee-free day, and noticed that I'm so sluggish and tired feeling. Maybe it's because of the lack of coffee, or maybe it's because I've not been exercising much all week? Who knows? Anyway the challenge starts tomorrow and I'm excited to begin! I'm planning on taking it day by day. I've purchased a couple new yoga clothing items, and a good yoga mat towel, I've got a box of EmergenC drink mix, and I'm ready to do this!

Wednesday 25 January 2012


So I was reading 30 Day Challenge Tips, and they suggest limiting or cutting out certain things such as wheat, red meat, caffeine, dairy, sugar, anything delicious really... I know I won't be able to cut out all these things, but I have decided to cut back significantly on my caffeine intake. So I thought I'd get a head start and stop drinking my morning coffees this week. On Monday and Tuesday I opted for green tea instead. When a coworker noticed that I didn't have a coffee this morning I proudly shared this with her. She then informed me that green tea has lots of caffeine in it, even more than coffee... damn. But today I didn't even get a tea so yay me! I'm on my way to a caffeine-limited 30 day challenge! 4 more days to go!

Thursday 19 January 2012

For a little while now I've been going to Moksha Yoga Halifax occasionally. Whenever I go to a class I always leave feeling really good about myself. So when I heard there was a 30 day challenge coming up I thought, "Wouldn't it be great to feel that good every day for a month! I should do it this time"... I kept thinking about it, and then finally decided to go for it! I don't think I've ever truly committed to doing any sort of physical activity everyday for 30 days before. So I know it will be truly challenging. Hence why its called the 30 day challenge.  I'm really excited about it, and since I've also been looking for something to blog about, I figured this would be a great combo! (he he he) So here it is: my first blog about my first 30 day challenge!