Monday 27 February 2012

Day 29

One more day to go! But I still have to do 2 classes! I was feeling lazy and started getting a cold yesterday so I skipped. Today I was feeling pretty crappy with my cold, but I'm determined to finish the challenge so I sucked it up and went to class tonight. I went in thinking that I'd relax, and just lay down for most of the class. But once I was in there and started moving I kinda forgot about my cold... I actually felt a lot better sweating in the hot room than I did sitting on my couch!

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Day 23

Yesterday I did a Yin class after work. Although it's a class of only passive stretching poses, it's still such a challenge! Some of the stretches are so intense, it takes a lot of focus and breathing to let your body sink into them. But it was definitely a nice change of pace from the regular moksha series.
And today it's twosday! I went to two classes today to make up for the one I missed on Friday... And it was great! I did the early morning class at 6:30, which always makes me feel so great starting off the day. Then I went to work, came home, had supper, and went to the 8:30pm class, which was an awesome way to finish the day!
Only 7 days left to go!

Saturday 18 February 2012

Day 20

Well I've been a little off the ball with blogging, but I'm still on the ball with Yoga! (minus yesterday)
Another week down! I'm finding that it's starting to take a little more effort to get up an go to yoga. A few times this week between work and yoga I took a mini nap, and found it quite challenging to get up from that. But I did!
I didn't have time to go to a class yesterday because I went to the Mooseheads game at 7pm. My little cousin is the goalie for the team they were playing against, the Victoriaville Tigres, so I had to go watch him play! Which means that I now have an extra challenge of scheduling a double yoga day this week.

One thing this challenge is teaching me is that it is possible to make time for an hour of exercise each day. I always find excuses not to exercise. Mainly, "I'm too tired", and/or "I don't have time". But I'm proving to myself, by doing this challenge, that those excuses are BS. It's becoming habit to go to yoga everyday now, even though some days I don't really feel like going. I'm hoping that the habit continues on after the challenge, maybe not going to yoga everyday, but at least doing something active most days.   

10 days, and 11 classes to go!

Sunday 12 February 2012

Day 14

Friday (Day 12) I went to the 8:30pm class in the upstairs studio, and I really enjoyed it. Yesterday I had a massage at 1 which was really nice, loosened up my back and shoulders, then I went to yoga at 4. The room was sooooo hot yesterday it was insane.

I'm still feeling pretty good. I've got bruises on my hips from doing locust and bow. Whenever it comes time for those poses I think maybe I should skip it, but then I always push through anyway. My leg muscles are sore, but I can feel myself getting a little stronger. Although there are moments when I feel like I'm completely loosing all my balance and strength.. I'll start to wobble side to side in a runners lunge, and my eagle pose is a catastrophe. But overall I'm doing well.

Tonight I'm going to a posture workshop which counts as a class. Hopefully I'll learn some good tips to help me get the most out of the remaining 16 days! Almost to the halfway point already!

Thursday 9 February 2012

Day 11

So yesterday I skipped yoga because I had other plans. But also, I really kinda needed a break. I was getting too tired out with walking to work and home, and hot yoga everyday. My muscles and my brain were fried! Today I felt rejuvenated after my one day off. So I went to yoga twice today! (I drove there for the 6:30am class, went to work, then did the 5:30 flow class, and drove home). Both of my classes today were awesome! The morning was so nice and relaxing/awakening, and flow was really neat. It was my first flow class, so I was a little nervous that it would be too intense. But it wasn't too bad... Just a little extra challenge, and it was a lot of fun!

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Day 9

I guess I would classify today as a bad day. Walking to work and home is starting to get tiring (I know, it's only been 3 days)... By the time I got home I had a blister on one of my heels, and I was feeling very tired and cranky. Then I open my mailbox, and there's a letter from Great West Life... they were unable to process my dental claim again (this has been an ongoing battle for the past 5 months or so). I brush it off, make some dinner for myself, relax for about 15 minutes, then get ready and head to yoga. Of course, tonight there's no parking spaces where I usually easily find one, and it's getting close to class time, so I risk it, and park in a no parking zone. I got there at 7:20 and almost didn't get in to the class, because it was filling up. Luckily I got there just in time. Class was good, however I did skip the warrior poses tonight b/c my legs just needed to rest. After class I get back to my car, and what do ya know, there's a parking ticket under my wiper. I grabbed it, opened my car door, heaved in my bag and mat, then got in and tore that ticket into pieces in a mini fit of rage! That felt good.
Now it's 9:30pm and I'm about to head to bed, so I can get up and do it all again tomorrow!

Sunday 5 February 2012

Day 7

I can't believe a week has passed already! I'm feeling great so far! I'm looking forward to a fresh new week of yoga! I think I'll even try to double up at least once this week. 
Yesterday I went to the 2pm class, and my roomie Natasha came with me. We got there just in the nick of time, so the room was almost full when I got in there and I had to be in the back of the room. (I usually prefer the front). I found myself a little bit distracted with so many people in front of me, I couldn't help but watch what they were doing, wearing, etc. But all in all it was a good class, and really hot!
Today I went to the 12pm class, and I was almost late again! eek! I really dislike being late but I had a staff meeting right before and it went longer than I had anticipated. Anyway, I got there. And I was only one row back, so I had a clear view of myself in the mirror, yay! Maybe seems conceded but I find it easier to align myself, and work on postures when I can see myself. It also takes my attention off the other lovely yogis in the room.  I had a great class. I'm noticing during the flows that I'm building some upper body strength, and that makes me feel good. :)
Each day of the challenge we (the challengers) receive an e-mail from Moksha with a quote, and I really enjoyed today's:
"Daring enthusiasm and abiding cheerfulness can accomplish anything on earth, without fail." - Sri Chimnoy.  
I may not be the most outwardly enthusiastic person lol, but I really believe that this is true and important to remember. 

23 classes to go 

Friday 3 February 2012

Day 5

Well with the transit strike in effect in the HRM, the challenge just moved up to a new level. Not wanting to pay $15 for parking today, I walked to work. It didn't take as long as I had expected, only 40 minutes. The walk this morning was quite nice actually, but a little chilly. After an 8 hour work day and a 90 minute moksha class, the walk home tonight was less pleasant. 

Thursday 2 February 2012

Day 4, and feeling sore...

Morning yoga today was great! I felt very fresh and focused. In the evening classes I'm usually dozing off during the opening shavasana, but today I was wide awake. All in all it was a great way to wake up my mind and body for the day! It was also nice to have the evening free to relax. I'm going to make the morning class a weekly habit!

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Day 3!

3 days and 3 classes down! Feelin' good! So good, in fact, that I felt I deserved a snack size reward in the form of an Oreo McFlurry... mmmm it was yummy. I went to the 7:30pm 60min moksha class yesterday and today. They were great, and I'm starting to feel it in  my muscles now... in a good way. I've signed up for the 6:30am class for tomorrow morning! What a great (and early) way to start the day, eh?! Can't wait!